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Woodbury, New York: A Rich History of Enlightening Education

Woodbury is an incorporated village in Woodbury, New York. Woodbury has a rich history of enlightening education and was founded by the Woodburys. Woodburys were one of the most prominent families in Woodbury during that time period. The Woodbury’s built schools and churches for their townspeople to attend on Sundays and Mondays respectively. Syosset, NY can be seen here.

Woodbury, New York has a rich history of education. Woodbury is home to Woodbury University and Woodbury College. Woodbury also contains the old elementary school which was built in 1895 and still stands today as “Heritage Hall”. Click here to read about Jericho, New York: A Unique Experience.

In 1873 the first buildings were built on what would become known as Comsewogue High School campus (the name then was The Port Jefferson Seminary). This part of Long Island did not see many immigrants until after the 1880s when there came an influx from southern Italy and Poland; this area became known for its poultry farming industry because it allowed them to raise chickens throughout cold winter months. Because so many people in Woodbury were poultry farmers, Woodbury became known as the “Poultry Capital of Long Island.”

The name Woodbury came about when a new post office opened up. It was named after one of its early settlers in 1799 by his last name Wood because he would give water to travelers if they had run out while passing through. His last name later changed from Wood to Woodward and finally ended with Woody for short. You can find this history on the plaque which hangs outside of Heritage Hall today!

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